by Jack Fritscher

How to Quote from this Material

Copyright Jack Fritscher, Ph.D. & Mark Hemry - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


by Jack Fritscher




Photographs listed without photographer are those of Mapplethorpe


Advocate, 117-18, 124, 275, 278

After Dark, 268

Agustinella, George, 35

AIDS, 76, 79, 90, 91, 94, 103, 105-106, 125, 166, 172, 189, 197, 198, 202, 216, 231, 244, 280, 284, 285, 287, 289, 296, 301

              Barton dying of, 145

              blacks and, 230-31

              Chatwin dying of, 73

              Jarman dying of, 105

              Mapplethorpe dying of, 5, 6, 8-9, 11, 14, 16, 19, 24, 64, 77, 84, 86, 98, 101, 103, 106, 128, 134, 145, 173, 302

              Sparrow dying of, 156

              Wagstaff dying of, 25

              Yale dying of, 189

Ajitto, photographs of, 243

Albright, Thomas, 271

Amaryillys/1977, 100

Amaya, Mario, 30, 91, 113, 271, 276

Ambiguity, 7-8, 116-26

              Mapplethorpe on, 7-8

              sexual, 116-26

American Flag, 1977, 270

American Photographer, 25

American Popular Culture Association, 87

American Psycho, 273

Anderson, Calvin, 212

Anderson, Craig, 224-25

Anger, Kenneth, 67, 81, 89, 112, 273, 275

“Animals” (Holly Solomon Gallery), 140

Ansonia Hotel, 120, 160

Antiques, see Collections, of Mapplethorpe

Antonioni, Michelangelo, 115

Apollo 1988, 217

Arbus, Diane, 80

Arrabal, Fernando, 263

Autopix, see Self-portraits

Avant Garde, 219

Avedon, Richard, 16, 74


Bacardy Don, 81

Baiser, Le (The Kiss) (Witkin), 294

Bales, Mikal, 214

Barton, Crawford, 145

Baths, 35, 120, 160, 194

Baudelaire, 19, 184, 195, 294

Bayard, Emile, 293

BBC interview, 78

Beardsley, Aubrey, 184

Beaton, Cecil, 185

Becker, Ernest, 171, 198

Becker, Jonathan, 24

Bell, Hugh, 219

Bergen, Candice, 221-22

Bienes, Nick, photograph of, 191

Bijou (Poole), 188

Bike Boy (Warhol), 275

Black Book, 22, 212, 243

“Black Leather Death” (Wigler exhibit), 248-49, 253-60

“Black Male Image, The” (Harlem Exhibition Space), 213

Blacks, 203, 204, 207-31

bodybuilders, 21516, 220-25, 230

photographs of, 25, 27, 31, 83, 100, 126, 172, 210-31, 233, 234, 235, 236, 241, 242-43, 244n, 270, 299-300

sex with, 95-96, 172, 214, 215, 216, 217-18,239-40

Blagg, Dean, 292

Blotter acid, 37

Blow Job (Warhol), 67, 115, 189

Blow-Up (Antonioni), 115

Bob Love, 1979, 215

Bob Wilson/Phil Glass, 100n

Bobbitt, Lorena, 125, 211

Bodybuilders, 20-21, 22-23, 93, 102, 121, 127-29, 168, 189, 215-16, 220-25, 230

women as, 127, 128, see also Lyon, Lisa

Bond Street loft, 11, 19, 20, 25-26, 34-35, 45, 54, 60, 80, 93, 175, 192, 222, 242

Bottom Line, 160

Boundy John, 95, 97

Bourgeois, Louise, photograph of, 8

Boy George, 20

Brentanto’s, 25

Brian Ridley and Lyle Heeter, 269

Brigg, 262, 263, 264

Browne, Ray, 87

Brutus, 75-76

Bryant, Anita, 260, 261n, 262, 263, 264

Burden, Chris, 286

Burroughs, William, 191

photograph of, 8

Business, photography as, 9-10, 24, 25, 104, 146, 175-99, 243, 245, 297

Butler, George, 220-21, 222

Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 6, 24


Cabaret (Fosse), 263

California Action Guide, The, 250

Calla lily, 6, 27, 72, 100, 101, 173, 192, 195, 215, 218, 273, 294

Camera, invention of, 12

Cameron, Julia Margaret, 80, 185

“Caro Ricardo” (Fritscher), 6, 170

Castration, in works, 125-26, 176, 184

Catholic Preview of the Arts, 114n

Catholicism, 13, 19, 74, 78, 81, 82, 88, 89, 96, 99, 125, 134, 157-58, 167, 173, 176, 178, 184, 190, 191, 194, 195, 214, 217, 293, 294, 298, 300, 301-2

CBGB, 70, 120, 160, 209, 209n

Cebrian, Katherine, photograph of, 8

Cedric/New York 1977, 100n

Celebrity photographs, 11, 20, 21, 32, 54, 55-56, 72-73, 74, 93, 94, 97, 98, 100, 132, 133, 147, 215-16

Censorship, 9, 149-50, 226, 289, 290-91, 297

by gays, 116-17, 248-60, 284-85

see also Critics

Chatwin, Bruce, photographs of, 73

Chelsea Girls, The (Warhol), 67, 68, 69, 91

Chelsea Hotel, 25, 67, 68, 69, 91, 114

Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art, “Robert Mapplethorpe: The Perfect Moment,” 108

Children, photographs of, 133, 271

Christie, Julie, 114

Christie’s auction, 78-82, 101, 301

Chrysler Museum, 91, 271, 276

Church of Satan (LaVey), 88

Cincinnati, trial in, 101, 149, 250, 252, 290

Cinque, 96, 217

Citizen Kane II, 97

Clemente, Francesco, 81

Coalition of Washington Artists, 15

Colacello, Bob, 96

Collages, 69, 137, 139, 149, 171, 176, 177, 193, 196, 201, 220

“Collection of Robert Mapplethorpe, Sold for the Benefit of the Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation, Inc., The,” 78-82

Collections, of Mapplethorpe, 33, 51, 72, 94, 184, 185, 212, 219, 233, 243, 294

Christie’s auctioning, 78-82

Collins, Stephen, 98

Colt Studios, 113, 211, 212n, 225, 257, 281

Continental Baths, 120, 160

Coral Sea, 1983, The, 270

Corcoran Gallery of Art, 15, 109, 138, 174

Corney Ed, 221

Corporal in Charge of Taking Care of Captain O’Malley and Other Stories (Fritscher), 24, 33, 170

Cowboy, 1970, 201

Creatis, 99, 99-100n

Creative Power Foundation, 121

Critics, 5, 6, 8, 32, 64, 90, 98, 106-7, 118, 174, 278-80, 279, 283-84, 287-89, 290

Albright, 271-73

Amaya, 91

D’Amato, 107

Fritscher vs., 248-60

gays as, 116-17, 248-60, 284-85

Helms, 6, 98, 106-107, 118, 126, 147, 172, 174, 215, 232, 252, 273, 278

Jarman, 105

Lucie-Smith, 65-78, 82, 84-86,104,105, 130,144,171, 176,181-82, 268, 269

Nureyev, 98

Orr-Cahill, 109

Slater, 98

Vasta, 196

see also Censorship

Crucifixion, 184

Cruising (Friedkin), 207, 251, 269, 279, 283-84

Cukor, George, 110-111

Curtis, Edward, 80


Daguerre, Louis, 12

Dahl-Wolfe, Louise, 218

Daley, Sandy, 22, 69, 70, 119

Dalmatian, 140

D’Amato, Alfonse, 107

Danto, Arthur C., 83n

Darling (Schlesinger), 114, 114n

Darling, Candy, 196, 273

photographs of, 116

Darrow, Steven, 281-82

Davis, Ed, 261n, 263

Davis, Lynn, 80, 108, 193, 268n, 277n

Davis, Melody, 241

Day, Fred Holland, 80, 184, 185

Day, Greg, 277

De Celle, Edward Brooks, 63, 103, 112,164, 193, 205

de Kooning, Willem, 32

photograph of, 8

De Meyer, Adolph, 71-72, 80

Dean, James Byron, 6, 24


art and, 256, 258

Mapplethorpe on, 8, 197-98, 218, 249, 252, 284, 285

of Mapplethorpe, see Mapplethorpe, Robert

sexuality and, 259

Delaney, Shelagh, 114

Denial of Death, The (Becker), 171, 198

Dennis Speight, 1983, 215

Der Schuss, 166

Details, 76, 125, 277n

Dexter, Diana, photographs of, 205, 206

Diaz, Frank, photographs of, 98

Dickerson, Chris, 212, 212n, 225

Didion, Joan, 100, 110, 125, 191

“Dinge queens,” 172

“Disposable Rocket, The” (Updike), 102

Doctor, Fritscher and, 36-38, 39

“Documents 6” (Museum Firdericianum), 140

Donahue, Phil, 98

Dos Passos, John, 248

Draft, avoidance of, 8

Drugs, 14, 25, 29, 31, 35, 36, 37, 39, 4249, 46, 52-53, 88, 91, 96, 97, 121, 127, 133, 137, 155, 172-73, 180, 195, 233, 238, 239, 274

Drummer, 3, 18, 19, 20, 21, 31, 33, 92, 94, 155, 188, 261n, 267, 281

Duff’s, 28

Duffy John, 98 see also Slater, J. D.

Dumpster, photographs in, 266-67, 279, 282

Duncan, Isadora, 101

Dunne, Dominick, 24

Dureau, George, 80, 92, 101, 171, 175, 180, 183, 184, 185, 187, 191, 192, 200, 202, 204, 212, 219, 232-47, 268, 304

photographs of, 237, 243


Eagle, The, Wigler exhibit at, 248-49, 253-60, 284-85

Easter (Smith), 25

Ebony, 219

Edgerton, Harold, 80

Edward II (Jarman), 65, 105

Ellis, Brett Easton, 273

Embry, John, 3n-4n

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 12

End Product: The First Taboo, 94

Enger, Jim, photographs of, 22-23, 63, 103, 220

Entertainment photography, 257

Erotic Hands, 188

Eroticism in Western Art (Lucie- Smith), 65

Esquire, 10, 123

Evans, Walker, 235

Everett, Miles, 182, 185, 219, 223-30, 267

Everhard Baths, 35, 194

Exhibitions, 138, 182, 193

              Chrysler Museum, 271

              Corcoran Gallery of Art, 138

              Fey Way Gallery, 59, 120, 144, 156, 164

              Harlem Exhibition Space, 213-14

              Holly Solomon Gallery, 9, 70-71, 108, 138, 148, 151, 182

              La Remise du Parc, 301

              Lawson De Celle Gallery, 112

              Mapplethorpe’s demeanor at, 182-83

              Miller Gallery, 25

              Museum Firdericianum, 140

              Sam Hardison Gallery, 296-97

              Simon Lowinsky Gallery, 271-73

              Whitney (1988), 145

              Whitney Museum, 23, 24, 128, 296

Exploding Plastic Inevitable (Warhol), 113, 194


Faces, as mask, 11-12

Factory, 113, 181, 191, 271

Fahey, David, 184-85, 187, 193

Fahey Klein Gallery, 184

Falaise, Maxime de la, 20

Fascism, Salo and, 263-64

Fashion advertising, 11

Fashion photographs, 97, 100, 129, 132, 148, 186, 275

Fate, 88

Feet/New York 1976, 100n

Felig, Arthur, see Weegee

Fernando, 269

Ferry, Lucy, photographs of, 132

Fey Way Gallery, 59, 94n, 120, 144, 152, 156, 161, 164, 165, 249

Fiedler, Leslie, 173

Fierstein, Harvey, 20

Figaro, Le, 206

Finger Inserted in Penis, 189

Fist, The, 189

Fisting Ballet (Skulls of Akron), 188

Flanner, Janet, 101

“Flowers” (Holly Solomon Gallery), 138,140

Flowers (Kemp), 277

Flowersex photographs, 6-7, 27, 72, 100, 101, 173, 195, 279, 294, 302-3

Fosse, Bob, 263

Frames, 139, 190, 193

Francisco, Timothy, 117n

French, Jim, 113, 211-12, 225, 281

Friedan, Betty, 110

Friedkin, William, 207, 251, 269, 283

Fritscher, Jack, 3-4, 13, 14, 15-16, 19, 2122, 23, 24-33, 39, 96, 194-95, 250-52, 253-60, 285, 301-2

              doctor and, 36-38, 39

              Mapplethorpe introduced to leather art society by 93-100

              personal journal of, 34-64

              photographs of, 26-33, 45, 46, 55, 56, 63, 64, 120-21, 245-46

              Wigler defended by 253-60, 285

              X and, 39-44, 46

Future Shock (Toffler), 115


Gaines, Charles, 220-21

Gallucci, Ed, 268, 269

Gay-related immune deficiency (GRID), 202, 249

              see also AIDS

Gelman-Waxner, Libby, 273

Genet (White), 277n

Genet, Jean, 22, 277, 277n

Gere, Richard, photographs of, 32-33

Getty John Paul, III, 21

Gifts of Nature, 46, 47-49, 50, 54, 55-60, 63

Gilmore, Genevieve and Donald, Art Center, 97

Ginsberg, Allen, photographs of, 31-32

Ginzburg, Ralph, 219

Glass, Philip, 32

Gloeden, Baron Wilhelm von, 185

Goldberg, Vicki, 221

Gould, Judith, 22

Greeting cards, 192

Grele, Ronald, 3

GRID, 202, 249

              see also AIDS

Grossman, Nancy, 41, 42

Grumley Michael, 268

Guggenheim Museum, 67

Guns, 187-88, 270


Haislip, Jim, 220

Hall, Fawn, 11

Halsted, Fred, 188-89

Hard Corps, 268-69

Hardison, Sam, Gallery, 297

Harlem Exhibition Space, “The Black Male Image,” 213-14

Harper’s, 25, 110n, 213

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 12

Hearst, Patty, 95-97, 188, 217

Heeter, Lyle, photographs of, 22, 189, 269

Hellman, Lillian, 86

Helms, Jesse, 6, 98, 106-107, 118, 126, 147, 172, 174, 215, 232, 252, 273, 278

Hemmings, David, 115

Hemry, Mark Thomas, 232, 234

Hendrix, Jimi, 6, 24, 173

Hershkovits, David, 198

Heterosexuality Mapplethorpe and, 75-76, 101, 122-23, 135-37

Hines, Gregory, photographs of, 228

Hockney David, 74, 81

Holy Terror (Colacello), 96

Homosexuality, Mapplethorpe’s realization of, 70

Horses (Smith), 25

Hosoe, Eikoh, 218

Hujar, Peter, 80, 92, 193, 268n

Hunt, Larry, 27, 161, 281

              photographs of, 274, 280, 283


Illinois Institute of Technology, 89

“I’m Black, You’re White, Who’s Innocent: Race and Power in an Era of Shame” (Steele), 25

Imitation of Christ (Warhol), 99

In Patagonia (Chatwin), 73

In the American West (Avedon), 74

In the Realm of the Senses, 256

In Touch, 170

Incident photographs, 295, 296

Industrial Sex (Tress), 252

International Drummer, 91

Interview, 25, 87, 112, 184, 195-96

Interviews, 4, 305

              BBC, 78

              with Morrisroe, 85

Iris 1977, 100n

Isadora (Reisz), 101


Jack’s Shit List, 63

Jagger, Mick, 113

James, Henry, 12

Janus Society, The, 205

Jarman, Derek, 65, 90, 105, 188, 276-77

Jim and Tom, Sausalito (1977), 22

Jim, Sausalito, 1977, 100n, 267, 271

Jimmy Douglas/New York 1976, 100n

Johns, jasper, 97

Jon X, 225

Jones, O-lan, 68

Joplin, Janis, 6, 24, 173

Journal of Popular Culture (Brown), 87

Julia, 263

Jung, Philipp, 273


Kael, Pauline, 253-54

Kardon, Janet, 108

Keats, John, 6, 24

Kemp, Lindsay, 90, 276-78

Ken Moody, 1983, 244n

Ken Moody, Stern Magazine, 213

Kennedy, Clarence, 80

Kennedy Jackie, Warhol silk-screen of, 27

Kennedy John F, 110

King’s Leather Men, 220n

Klapp, Orrin, 115

Klein, Randee, 184

Koch, Roger, 211-12

              photographs of, 130

Koop, C. Everett,

              photographs of, 11

Kopay Dave, 243

Kristal, Hilly, 209n

Kuchar brothers, 67


L.A. Plays Itself (Halsted), 188

Lady Lisa Lyon, 73, 127

Laforet Museum, “Next Wave of American Women,” 193

Lange, Dorothea, 235

“L’Apres-midi d’un Faune” (de Meyers), 71-72

Larry and Bobby Kissing, 1979, 107

Larry, NYC, 274

LaVey Anton, 88, 96, 104

Lawson De Celle Gallery, 112

Leather, 180-81, 274-76

              see also S&M

Leather Boys, The, 114

Leatherdale, Marcus, 193

Leatherman II 1970, 220

Leathersex jewelry, 81

Leathersex photographs, 3-4, 16, 19, 22, 23, 24, 27, 83-84, 87-107, 89, 99n, 113-14, 116, 125, 126,                           180-81, 188-89, 192, 195, 207, 211, 216, 271, 27374, 276, 279, 294-95, 298

              of Wigler, 248-49, 251-52, 253-60

Leaves of Grass (Whitman), 12

Leibovitz, Annie, 72, 80, 97, 187, 273

Lennon, John, 115, 187

Lies, 10-11, 290, 297-98

Lilly John, 124

Lily, see Calla lily

Lizard, 223

Locke, Richard, 238

Lonesome Cowboys (Welsch), 142

Long, Terry, photographs of, 215-16

Love and Death in the American Novel (Fiedler), 173

Lowinsky Simon, Gallery, 271-73

Lucie-Smith, Edward, 65-78, 82, 84-86, 88, 104, 105, 118, 130, 144, 171, 18182, 192-93, 268 Lucinda Childs/New York 1978, 100n

Lynes, George Platt, 22, 80, 247

Lyon, Lisa, 21, 76, 100, 108, 122, 124, 127-28, 136, 220, 294

              photographs of, 73, 76, 127, 128, 133, 193, 194


McBean, Angus, 80

MacDonald, Boyd, 172, 207

McEachern, Steve, 205

McGinniss, Joe, 10

McKendry, John, 20, 67

McNenny, Jack, 27-28, 35, 36, 45-63, 102, 279

Mademoiselle, 110

Madonna, 83n, 124, 187

Magazines, Mapplethorpe in

              Advocate, 117-18, 124, 278

              After Dark, 268

              American Photographer, 25

              Creatis, 99, 99n

              Drummer, 3, 31, 33, 92

              Harper’s, 25, 213

              In Touch, 170

              Straight to Hell, 172

              Vanity Fair, 24

              Vogue, 54, 55

Mailer, Norman, photographs of, 186

Malanga, Gerard, 113

Maletta, Michael, 121

Man in Polyester Suit, 1980, 27, 215

Mandingo, 172, 208-9, 252

Mandingo period, 31, 210-13

Manhattan Review of Unnatural Acts, The, see Straight to Hell

Manilow, Barry, 160


Mapplethorpe (Danto), 83n

“Mapplethorpe: The Art of His Wicked, Wicked Ways,” 25

Mapplethorpe, Ed Maxey, 75, 76-77, 277n

Mapplethorpe, Harry, 76

Mapplethorpe, Joan Maxey, 76

Mapplethorpe, Robert, 3

              appearance, 34, 87-88, 120, 171, 181

              on art as business, 9-10, 24, 146, 175-99, 243, 245, 297

              birth, 20

              childhood, 20

              death, 5, 6, 8-9, 9n, 19, 24, 64, 77, 82, 84, 86, 98, 101, 106, 108, 118, 134, 170-174, 237,                                                          298, 302, see also AIDS

              education, 5, 12, 20, 25, 178

              family, 75, 76-77, 109, 146-47

              films of, 128

              impact, 13

              monetary worth of, 104, 118-19, 146

              photographs of, 80-81, 237, 243, see also Self- portraits

              politics of, 8-10

              postmortem, 9, 14, 15, 146

              see also Photography, of Mapplethorpe

Mapplethorpe, Robert, Foundation, Inc., 8, 9n, 10, 16, 173, 192, 205, 266, 268n, 277n

“Mapplethorpe, The,” 25, 194

Marc/New York 1977, 100n

Margaret, Princess, photographs of, 20, 33, 93

Marin Headlands, 267-68, 270-71

Mark Stevens (Mr. 10½), 1976, 215

Marty and Hank, 1982, 215

Masters of Starlight, 184-85

Masur, Dave, 188

Mavety, George, 227

Maxey, Ed, 75

              see also Mapplethorpe, Ed Maxey

Max’s Kansas City, 21, 67, 68, 178

MDA, 14, 25, 29, 31, 37, 127, 155

Meisel, Steven, 83n, 124n, 187

Michael Spencer, 1983, 212

Michigan Quarterly Review, 102

“Middle Mapplethorpe,” 87-107

Midler, Bette, 119-20, 160

Milk, Harvey, 121, 164-65, 187

Miller, Robert, Gallery, 25, 70, 143, 235

Mine Shaft, 25, 27, 29, 35, 39, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 67, 91, 93, 95, 120, 160, 162, 188, 189-90, 194, 209, 209n

Minnelli, Liza, 160, 181

Mirror photograph (Witken), 173

“Mirrors and Windows: Photography 1960 to the Present” (Museum of Modern Art), 138

Mizer, Bob, 186-87

Model Parade 1972, 220

Modern Primitives, 294

Monroe, Grant, 95

Moreau, Gustave, 130, 184

Morituri portraits, 8

Morris, Joe, photographs of, 215

Morrison, Jim, 6, 24, 87, 160, 168, 171, 173, 191, 301

Morrison, Thom, 185

Morrisroe, Patricia, 85, 170

Moscone, George, 121, 164-65

Moving (Poole), 188

Mr. 10½, 27

Musafar, Fakir, 80, 294

Museum Firdericianum, “Document 6,” 140

Museum of Modern Art, “Mirrors and Windows,” 138

Muybridge, Eadweard, 185


National Endowment for the Arts, 9, 66, 98, 107, 108-109, 147, 172, 174, 232, 250, 293

National Film Board of Canada, 95, 97

National Organization for Women (NOW), 110

Navel, 1986 (Thomas), 215

Neel, Alice, photograph of, 8

Neil Jones, Dolphina “Dolcie,” 126

Nevelson, Louise, 32

              photograph of, 8

New Journalism, 88, 110n, 186, 269

New Sex Magazine, 206

“New York Boat Show, The” (Holly Solomon Gallery), 138

New York Rock (Ono), 102

Newton, Helmut, 72, 193

“Next Wave of American Women” (Laforet Museum), 193

Nick/New York 1977, 100n

Nico, 113, 193

“Night Flight,” 121

Nita, 29

Nixon, Richard, 10-11

North, Oliver, 11

Nureyev, Rudolf, 98


O’Brien, David, photographs of, 190

O’Connor, Flannery, 257, 265

O’Grady, Camille, 120, 156-66, 165, 209n, 281

Ono, Yoko, 80, 102, 273

              photographs of, 80, 115, 127, 132-33, 187

Opel, Robert, 59, 120, 122, 144, 152-66, 189, 249, 261n, 281, 284

Orlando (Potter), 105

Orr-Cahill, Christina, 109

Oscar, photographs of, 242-43

Overtone Industries, 68


Package: Fred Halsted’s Journal of Men, Fact, and Opinion, 189

Paderski, Jerry, photographs of, 185-86

Paglia, Camille, 123, 125

Pasolini, Pier Paolo, 256, 261-65

Patrice, 100n

Patrice/New York, 100n

Patti Smith (Don’t Touch Here), 116

Pearce, David, 65

Penis-crucifixion works, 125-26, 176, 184

Penitente, 184

“Pentimento” (Fritscher), 146

Pentimento (Hellman), 86

Perfect Moment: The Robert Mapplethorpe Story, The, 137

“Perfect Moment, The” (Corcoran Gallery), 15

Performance art, 286

Personality portraits, 11

Philip, 1980, 215

Photography, history of, 218-19, 293

Photography, of Mapplethorpe, 94

              as business, 9-10, 24, 25, 104, 146, 175-99, 243, 245, 297

              influences on, 183-190, 194, 219, 247,see also Dureau, George

              meaning of, 5, 6, 11, 12-13, 15, 97, 167-69, 190-91, 240-41, 246-47, 295

              postmortem, 299

              themes of, 101, see also Fashion photographs; Flowersex photographs; Leathersex photo                                                      graphs

              worth of, 24, 25, 196

Physique Pictorial, 186-87

Picasso, Paloma, 32

Piss Christ (Serrano), 108-9, 300

Plath, Sylvia, 84

Platt Lynes, George, 184, 185

Playboy, 219

Plimpton, George, 41

Polaroids, 22, 83, 116, 125, 177-78

Polk, Brigid, 113

Poole, Wakefield, 188

Popular Culture Press, 87

Popular Witchcraft: Straight from the Witch’s Mouth (Fritscher), 41, 87, 88

“Portraits” (Holly Solomon Gallery), 138, 140

Potter, Sally, 105

Pratt Institute, 5, 12, 20, 25, 177

Prices, for works, 24, 25, 196

Princesses, photographs of, 32, 54, 55-56, 74, 98, 147 221

Printing processes, 193

Pryor, Richard, 261n, 262

Pumping Iron (Butler), 222

Pumping Iron: The Art and Sport of Bodybuilding (Butler and Gaines), 221

Puritans, 12


Race Riot (Warhol), 211

Racism, 172, 203

              see also Blacks

Rado, James, 87

Rady Elsa, 128

Ragni, Gerome, 87

Rauschenberg, Robert, 97

Reagan, Ronald, 11

“Realism, Romanticism and Leather” (Simon Lowinsky Gallery), 271-73

Rear nudes, 186

Redman, Michael, 250

Reed, Lou, 193

Reeve, Christopher, 98

Reich, Wilhelm, 259

Reisz, Karel, 101

Religion, see Catholicism

Remise du Parc, La, “Robert Mapplethorpe” show at, 301

Retrospective (Whitney Museum), 23, 24, 145

Rex, 178-80, 257

Richard, 1978, 176

Ridley, Brian, photographs of, 22, 189, 269

Riefenstahl, Lem, 177, 185, 214-15

Rimbaud, 23, 184, 195

Rimshots: Inside the Fetish Factor, 76, 63, 268

Rink, 95

Ritts, Herb, 72

Robert Having His Nipple Pierced (Daley), 22, 59, 69-70, 101, 119

“Robert Mapplethorpe” (La Remise du Parc), 301

Robert Mapplethorpe (Parco publishing), 198

Robert Mapplethorpe (Whitney), 125, 144, 176, 217

“Robert Mapplethorpe: The Perfect Moment,” 108, 109

“Robert Mapplethorpe’s Proud Finale” (Dunne), 24

Robert Sherman and Ken Moody, 213

Robinson, Gunnar, 251, 253, 254, 255-56, 258, 259, 282-83, 285

Rogers, Anthony, 165

Reps, Felicien, 184

Rose’s lime juice, Mapplethorpe posing for, 25, 194

Roy Montosh, 220

Rudnick, Paul, 273

Ruehlmann, William, 271

Ruskin, Mickey, 68

Russell, Ken, 263


Sadomasochism, see S&M

Saint, 67, 95

Salo (Pasolini), 256, 261-65

Samuels, Robert, 71, 83

Samuels, Robert, Gallery, 268

San Francisco, 21, 91, 94-95, 101, 103, 12122, 144, 152, 153, 163-64, 249, 252, 253, 274, 279, 297

Sarandon, Susan, 21

              photographs of, 98, 133

Satanic Bible, The (LaVey), 88

Scarfe, Gerald, 115

Scatology, 16, 23, 52, 95-96, 121, 172, 185-86, 190, 275, 276

Scavullo, Francesco, 19, 80

Schiff, Gert, 67

Schlesinger, John, 714n

Schmeling, Bill, 212, 212n, 223, 224, 226

Schwarz, Barbara and Eugene, 151

Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 221, 222n, 267

              photographs of, 20, 33, 93, 128, 151, 177, 215, 220, 267-68

              at Whitney Museum, 221-22

Scorpio Rising (Anger), 81, 89, 112, 275

SCUM (Society to Cut Up Men), 30, 104, 125

Season in Hell, A (Rimbaud), 23

Sebastiane (Kemp), 188, 276-77

Sedgwick, Edie, 97

Self-portraits, 5, 11, 12, 25, 64, 80, 95, 99, 102, 141, 167-68, 174, 187, 194, 195, 302

              1973, 116

              1974, 116

              1975, 99-100n, 184, 301, 301n

              1977, 168, 181

              1978, 23, 124, 144, 276

              1980, 129-31, 279

              1982, 187-88

              1985, 276

              1986, 273

              1988, 8, 134, 198

              in black face, 207

Selling of the President 1968, The (McGinniss), 10

Serrano, Andres, 108-9, 109n, 174, 300

Sex (Madonna), 83n, 124n

Sextool (Halsted), 188

Shelley Percy Bysshe, 6, 24

Shepard, Sam, 68

Sherman, Cindy, 72, 273, 298, 299

Sherwood, Wally, photographs of, 205

Shinoyama, Kishin, 193

Shoustek, Eddie, 139

Siegal, Elliot, 4n

Sierra Domino, 224-25

Silver, Ron, 98

Simmons, Joe, 218

Siva, Doc, 48-49, 55, 56

Six Degrees of Separation (Blagg), 292

Skulls of Akron, 188

Slater, Cynthia, photographs of, 205

Slater, J. D., 68, 98, 122

Slot, 194

S&M, 19, 21, 22, 32, 71, 93, 94, 121, 122, 125-26, 129, 132, 158, 180, 188, 189, 190, 203-4, 205, 215, 255, 258, 268-69, 278, 279

              censorship of, 248-60

              Salo and, 261-65

              see also Leathersex photographs

Smith, Fred Sonic, 68

Smith, Patti, 9, 16, 25, 33, 68-70, 75, 81, 93, 94, 98, 100, 101, 105, 108, 110, 119, 120, 122, 124-25, 126, 127, 128, 129, 133-34, 135-37, 141-42, 150, 156, 160, 162, 171, 178, 182, 191, 193, 209n, 250, 266, 273, 277n, 280

              photographs of, 25, 76, 100, 133-34, 150, 173, 178, 193

Snowdon, Lord, caricature, 115

Society photographs, see Celebrity photographs

SoHo, 140

Solanas, Valerie, 30, 91, 104, 125, 271

Solomon, Holly, 9, 70-71, 108, 128, 138-51, 182

              photographs of, 11, 142, 145

Solomon, Holly, Gallery, exhibitions at, 70-71, 138, 140, 148, 151

Some Dance to Remember (Fritscher), 4, 16, 63, 85, 103, 109-110n, 251

Some Women, 126, 127, 131-32, 187

Son of Drummer (Fritscher), 93

Sondheim, Stephen, 108

Songlines (Chatwin), 73

Sontag, Susan, 23, 104, 108, 125, 305

Sparrow, David, 156, 267

Speed Queen (Polk), 113

“Stars” (San Francisco), 121

Steele, Shelby, 25

Steichen, Edward, 72, 80

Stevenson, Ann, 84

Steward, Sam, 89, 111

Stewart, Potter, 266

Stieglitz, Alfred, 80

Still Moving/Patti Smith, 128n

Stonewall Rebellion, 49, 113, 222, 249

Straight to Hell, 172, 207-8

Studio 54, 95, 276

Summerlin, Tina, 108, 266

Superstar, Ingrid, 89

“Surrogates/Self-portraits” (Holly Solomon Gallery), 138

Swinton, Tilda, 105

Szarkowski, John, 138


“Take It to the Limit One More Time” (Fritscher), 251-52, 253-60, 285

Talbot, William, 12

Taste of Honey, A (Delaney), 114

Tate, Sharon, 112

Ten by Ten, 56, 176, 244n

Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, 111

Thomas, 1986, 215

Thomas and Dovanna, 213

Thomas, Lou, 113

Thompson, Glen, 233, 234, 235

Thompson, Hunter, 41

Thompson, Mark, 117, 124, 278

Thoreau, Henry David, 12

Thurn and Taxis, Gloria von, 32, 98

“Tissue Issue. Articulate Muscle: The Male Body in Art,” 128

Toffler, Alvin, 115

Tom of Finland, 81, 212

Tommy (Russell), 263

Transcendentalism, 12

Trash (Warhol), 113

Tress, Arthur, 83, 92, 252, 268

Trowbridge, John, 267

Turner, Kathleen, 98

Tushingham, Rita, 114


University of Pennsylvania, “Robert Mapplethorpe: The Perfect Moment,” 108

Untitled (1975 self-portrait), 99n, 184, 300301, 301n

Untitled, 1978, 176, 184

Updike, John, 102


Vaid, Urvashi, 117n

Van Sant, Gus, 105

Vanity Fair, 24, 97

Vasta, Joseph, 194, 196

Velvet Underground, 89, 113, 193

Victor/Victoria, 253-54

Vishniac, Roman, 100n

Viva, 87, 142

Vogue, 21, 54

Vreeland, Diana, 124


Waddell, Anna, 126

Wagstaff, Sam, 9, 20, 21-22, 25, 32, 71, 72, 78, 82-83, 85, 99, 119, 122, 125, 141, 173, 177, 182, 185, 204, 212, 217, 219, 235, 236, 244, 296

Walker, Mark, 181, 200-206

              photographs of, 205, 206

Walker, Robert, 124

Wallace, Wally, 51, 120, 189, 209, 209n, 210, 300

Waller, Ken, 222n

Warhol, Andy, 10, 19, 25, 27, 30, 40, 67, 69, 72, 74, 77, 81, 87, 88, 89, 91, 95, 96, 97, 99, 101, 104, 110, 111, 112, 113, 115, 116, 118, 119, 125, 142, 150, 153, 178, 181, 185, 189, 191, 193, 195-96, 210-11, 219, 266, 273, 275, 297

Waters, John, 97

Weaver, Sigourney, 108

Webb, Jonathan, 171, 233

Weber, Bruce, 72, 80

Weegee, 271-73

Wegman, Bill, 140, 149

Weston, Edward, 185, 218-19

Wevill, Assia, 84

White, Dan, 121, 164-65

White, Ed, 191, 250, 277n

Whitman, Walt, 12, 101

Whitney Museum, 296

              Retrospective, 23, 24, 145

              Robert Mapplethorpe, 125, 144, 176, 217

              Schwarzenegger at, 221-23

              “Tissue Issue. Articulate Muscle: The Male body in Art,” 128

Wigler, Jim, 174, 248-49, 251-52, 285-86

              Fritscher’s defense of, 253-60, 286

Wildmon, Donald, Reverend, 108

Williams, Tennessee, 89-90, 111, 233, 235, 238, 258, 266, 279, 291

Without Reservation, 21, 94

Witkin, Joel-Peter, 74, 80, 173, 176, 184, 191, 198, 293-306

Wolfe, Tom, 5, 99, 100, 110n


              photographs of, 11, 127-134, 270, see also Fashion photographs

              pop culture and, 108-15

              views on, 102, 119-20, 122-37, 150-51

Wycoff, David, 267

Wyeth, Jamie, 188


X, 35, 39-44, 46, 114

X Portfolio, 71, 176, 205

Xerox art, 266


Yaeger, Jim, 224

Yale, Joey, 189

Yukio Mishima, 256


Zane, Frank, 221

Zeus Studios, 214
