Jack Fritscher

Non-Fiction books by Jack Fritscher

Dueling Photographers: George Dureau and Robert Mapplethorpe
Profiles in Gay Courage Vol 2

Profiles in Gay Courage: Leatherfolk, Arts, and Ideas
Profiles in Gay Courage Vol 1

Anton LaVey Speaks: The Canonical Interview

The Life and Times of the Legendary Larry Townsend

Gay Pioneers: How Drummer Magazine Shaped Gay Popular Culture 1965-1999

Gay San Francisco: Eyewitness Drummer:
A Memoir of the Sex, Art, Salon, Pop Culture War, and Gay History of DRUMMER Magazine
Eyewitness DRUMMER Volume 1

Mapplethorpe: Assault with a Deadly Camera

Popular Witchcraft: Straight from the Witch's Mouth

Love and Death in Tennessee Williams

When Malory Met Arthur

Television Today

Always Virginia: A Memoir and Diary of a Girl's Life
