Short Fiction Anthology

Best Gay Romance 2009

Best Gay Romance 2009
edited by Richard Labonte

"The Calamus Emotion:
Love Among the Ruins"

A short story by Jack Fritscher

Best Gay Romance 2009
Edited by Richard Labonte

Introduction by Richard Labonte

One by T. Hitman
Coming Back to Me by Simon Sheppard
What We Leave Behind by Shanna Germain
The Calamus Emotion: Love Among the Ruins by Jack Fritscher
Adult by Natty Soltesz
Briefly, Forever by Lee Houck
The Pools of Paradise by David Holly
Chiaroscuro by Jay Mandal
As Sweet by Any Other Name by Mark G. Harris
Findeers Keepers by Rob Rosen
Kindred Souls by Vic Bach
Liebestod: Love/Death Final Aria with Imaginary Music by Robert M. Dewey
The Terror of Knowing What This World Is About by Thomas Kearnes
Afflicted by J. M. Snyder
Starting Over by Sam Sommer
Sail Away by Tom Cardamone
The Baker by Neil Plakcy
The Forest of Suicides by Andrew Warburton

Cleis Press
ISBN 978-1-57344-336-4

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