Castro Street Blues

His epic novel, so important to actual gay history, is Some Dance to Remember (Knights Press, Haworth Press, Palm Drive Publishing). Some Dance to Remember has been called by critic John Karr, "the gay Gone With The Wind." The New Republic October 1991, named Some Dance to Remember a "classic" in a par with Gore Vidal's City and the Pillar, and James Baldwin's Giovanni's Room.

Gay Sunshine Press published his previous novel, Leather Blues, as well as his classic anthology, Corporal in Charge of Taking Care of Captain O'Malley and Other Stories. His second fiction anthology, Stand by Your Man and Other Stories (Leyland Press) won critic Richard LaBonte's accolade as "the Best Literary Erotic Fiction of 1987."

Fritscher received his Ph.D. in American Literature from Loyola University of Chicago and has taught both journalism and creative writing at Loyola University, Western Michigan University, and Kalamazoo College.

He has served as founding San Francisco editor-in-chief of Drummer and is Drummer's first Editor Emeritus. In 1979, he founded, wrote, and edited the quarterly MAN2MAN. Which was the ground breaking first "zine" of the 1980's. In 1981, he established the Bay Area tabloid The California Action Guide.

His fiction, features, and photography have been featured in The Bucknell Review, Modern Drama, The Journal of Popular Culture, Drummer, In Touch, Honcho, Skin, Uncut, Skinflicks, The Target Album, Inches, International Leatherman (whose title is acknowledged as coming from Some Dance to Remember), Hombres Latinos, Bear, Powerplay, Foreskin Quarterly, Mach, Eagle (The Leather Journal), Manifest Reader, Muscle Training Illustrated as well as many Larry Flynt publications: Expose.

He has also written, directed, and photographed more than 125 erotic videos for, variously, J. Brian, Old Reliable Studios, Marathon Films, and Palm Drive Video. He brings a loving ear, erotic eye, and lyric voice to American Gay Popular Culture and is an archivist active in researching, recording, and preserving the heritage of gay history.

Jack Fritscher is the deeply established author of nonfiction, literary fiction, and comic-erotic fiction that is sophisticated, sassy, sexy, literate, and intelligent. His work has received both critical acclaim and an international cult following.

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