How to Quote From This Material

Research note regarding QUOTATION, and USE or PARAPHRASE
of this information which is owned by Jack Fritscher, as it appears in both Drummer and

All of this intellectual property is copyright by Jack Fritscher. Direct quotes and fair use of information must be footnoted. Plagiarism will be both exposed and prosecuted.

A. FOR DIRECT QUOTATION from this material, please FOOTNOTE as follows.

1) For quotation from the “Introduction,” write the footnote as:

  • Jack Fritscher, “Introduction” to “The Academy: Incarceration for Pleasure,” Gay San Francisco: Eyewitness Drummer Magazine, at JackFritscher.com

2) For direct quotation from the feature article, “The Academy: Incarceration for Pleasure,” write the footnote as:

  • Jack Fritscher, “The Academy: Incarceration for Pleasure,” Drummer 145, December 1990, as found in Gay San Francisco: Eyewitness Drummer Magazine, at JackFritscher.com
B. FOR USE OF INFORMATION from this material, please footnote as follows:

1) For any other use of information found in the “Introduction,” please write an acknowledging footnote as:

  • From information found in Jack Fritscher, “Introduction” to “The Academy: Incarceration for Pleasure, Gay San Francisco: Eyewitness Drummer Magazine, JackFritscher.com
2) For any other use of information found in the actual article, “The Academy: Incarceration for Pleasure,” please write the acknowledging footnote as:

            From information found in Jack Fritscher, “The Academy: Incarceration for Pleasure,” Drummer 145, December 1990, as published in Gay San Francisco: Eyewitness Drummer Magazine, JackFritscher.com

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Copyright Jack Fritscher, Ph.D. & Mark Hemry - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED