DRUMMER Magazine

Cover, Masthead, and Contents

as it appeared in Drummer

How to Quote from this Material

Copyright Jack Fritscher, Ph.D. & Mark Hemry - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Issue 41: November 1980

Drummer Issue 41: Cover Drummer Issue 41: Contents

Alternate Publishing
Publisher: John H. Embry
Editor: John W. Rowberry
Art Director: Vincent Tipaldo

Writing by Jack Fritscher in Drummer Issue 41

1 Piece of Writing by Fritscher (Fritscher’s “Astrologic” Pirated and Reprinted without Copyright Permission and Falsely Bylined as “Aristide”)
2 Photographs (Interior Editorial) by Fritscher and Sparrow dba “David Sparrow”

  • Astrologic” (Sagitarrius), p. 63, written by Fritscher and pirated in a reprint by publisher Embry and editor John W. Rowberry without permission from Fritscher’s copyright column “Astrologic” in Drummer 21 (March 1978), p. 30; Embry and Rowberry colluded in this direct violation of Fritscher’s copyright; falsely assigning the byline to “Aristide,” it seems they set out to deceive the readership by rearranging the order of the months in Fritscher’s original in order to recycle and resell the column.
  • 2 Photographs (Interior Editorial) from “The Quarters,” p. 43 (inset in “Key Club Carpenters”), and p. 44, by Fritscher and Sparrow dba “David Sparrow”; both reprinted without permission.

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Copyright Jack Fritscher, Ph.D. & Mark Hemry - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
